Welcome to
Count Your Blessings
Alpaca Farm
Have you counted your blessings today?

Everything We Offer
Alpaca products,
shearing services
Farm raised honey
Free Range Chicken eggs
When you set foot on Count Your Blessings Farm, you set foot on a miracle. Every rock, tree, and ripple of water, every alpaca, chicken and honey bee is a testament to God’s holy power. The nature around us is a declaration of God’s design. The fact that our family is able to enjoy that miracle—to walk through the fields, to gather chicken eggs, to pick grapes from the vine, to look upon the Alpacas on the hill, to see the honey bees flying in the valley - is a witness of God’s generosity and our desire to share it with you
© 2023 by Doyle Cattle Farm. Proudly created with Wix.com
Get in touch with
any questions
680 Doorley road
Sidney, OH 45365